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SAVE THIS ON YOUR PHONE for when you are out Penny Shopping at Dollar General. We all love Dollar General, and we REALLY love those Penny Deals, but sometimes we run across managers or employees that may not be familiar with the corporate policy. This is where the Penny Policy comes in handy. If you have an issue with a store not wanting to sell you penny items, you can always show them this.
The Dollar General Penny Policy states:
“If any penny item is identified by a customer, ALWAYS sell the product to the customer at 1c. If we fail to pull all of the penny product from the floor, it is never appropriate to deny the sale or argue with the customer.”
Keeping the Dollar General Penny Policy handy can go a long way to make sure you are getting the penny items that you are finding. However, do note that some managers or employees may still refuse to complete the sale. To me it is not worth an argument and I would move on to another store, but for others calling the District Manager (NOT CORPORATE) has helped. Are you looking for the Master List of Penny Shopping Deals or How To Penny Shop at Dollar General?
Can employees buy penny items?