If you purchased Wipe Out! Products you may be eligible to receive cash back as part of a Class Action Settlement.
Who’s Eligible – You are a Class Member if you purchased any of the following Wipe Out! Products in the United States on or before April 19, 2023: Wipe Out! Wipes, Wipe Out! Multi-Surface Wipes, or Wipe Out! Multi-Surface Decontaminant Spray (the “Products”).
Award Amount – Those who submit proof of purchase: may receive $3.00 per qualified product purchased, up to $15.00 per claim. Those who do not have proof of purchase: may be entitled to receive $2.00 per every qualified Wipe Out! product purchased, up to a maximum of $6.00 per claim form.
Proof of Purchase – Not Required.
Claim Deadline – July 18, 2023.
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