To better understand members’ preferences and expectations when it comes to text message (SMS) marketing, Nike is inviting you to participate in the 1-hour fully digital focus group on Thursday, January 19th at 8:00 PM EST (7:00 PM CST, 5:00 PM PST).
Responses are completely anonymous and you will not be required to be on-camera or share your screen. The information you provide will help enhance future Nike member communications. A $50 Nike e-gift card will be awarded to all participants who fully participate and complete the session.
Select “Add to Calendar” for a helpful reminder. We look forward to speaking with you soon!
NOTE: This event is full, so you will need to have previously signed up when I first posted to participate.
Me too!
The link to join isnt working
This has ended unfortunately.
Nike sucks, signed in 30 min before and their website wasn’t even working. Instructions are terrible. Why bother having an rsvp sign up if you’re not going to allow people in.
Yes I’m joining
Was anyone able to get in?